the Tack Swap At The MN State Fairgrounds

April 25-27, 2025

Minnesota Tack Swap Facts

Things you should know

Items Sold

In 2024, we had 370 Consignors. Over 21,750 items were consigned and 12,000 items were sold!

Why We Do It

We do it to raise funds to support the Minnesota 4-H Horse Project. Proceeds from the tack swap help fund programs like Hippology, Horse Bowl, and the State Horse show.


If you just want to get rid of your used tack and want it to go to a good cause, we accept donations year-round!
Contact us to make arrangements.


Putting on a successful tack swap is a year-round project. We are 100% volunteer run and staffed.
Setting up the tack swap, checking in all of the items, helping with the sale and check out, and finally, putting everything away requires well over 2,000 volunteer hours. We Love our volunteers and couldn't do it without you! If you can help out with a shift or two, sign up via the link below.